
Welcome to Jordan Memorial United Methodist Church!

Because God first loved us, we are devoted to sharing that love by;

Building authentic relationships with our neighbors

Creating safe spaces for belonging and connection

Serving communities locally, regionally, and globally.

To become faithful and compassionate followers of Jesus Christ.

Good Sunday Morning!

If you would like to join us for our live worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, Click HERE.
You do not need an account to watch.  Or if you  would prefer,  you can Click HERE to watch on our Facebook page.  If you missed our live broadcast, then you can watch it later HERE

To join us to watch our Spanish service  from La Luz De Cristo, tune in at 12:30pm and click HERE

Lighthouse Congregations

(Part of the UM Collective Movement in the WNCC)

Lighthouse Congregations are local churches in the WNCC that are particularly equipped to welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. These United Methodist faith communities are a resting place, with people who will offer care while providing a haven of peace and grace.

Our Church Council (Leadership Board, Administrative Council) met on ____May 7th, 2023____ and approved the following:

Our congregation, ____Jordan Memorial United Methodist Church____, has decided to become a Lighthouse Congregation of The Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church in partnership with The United Methodist Collective.  In doing so, we not only commit to remaining a part of The United Methodist Church but also to serving those who have lost their church homes through disaffiliation or closure.  We will partner in this work by providing a welcoming place, offering ministry opportunities, helping organize remnant groups in our community, and assisting individuals and groups in discerning their next steps as they find a new church home.

  We will partner in this work in the following ways:

Provide a welcoming place to belong during this time of grief and transition, which might be for just a season, or for a lifetime. This includes a safe space with caring relationships, listening hearts, and unconditional love within a congregation that is confident it is remaining in the UMC.

Offer “No pressure” ministry opportunities (if the person or group is willing). These will include worship, discipleship, and mission.

Organize local Remaining UMC groups by proactively finding and connecting with individuals and groups displaced by disaffiliating churches.

Connect individuals or groups with Conference and District resources to help them discern their next steps as they consider a new church home.

*** Above is the document we as a church have agreed to in becoming a Lighthouse Church. Please make note that there are several false statements being made about what a Lighthouse Church is as well as several online articles that are simply not true. Our agreement to being a lighthouse church is based solely on the above-mentioned four points that we agreed to, and nothing more. If it is not mentioned in the four points above, then it is not a requirement of being a lighthouse. I hope this will help with some of the confusion and concern around Lighthouse Congregations. Our prayer is that we can live fully into being a place that welcomes all people to experience authentic love-based worship, small groups, and conversations, through the various ministries and Fresh Expressions offered at Jordan Memorial United Methodist Church.

To read our September  2024 newsletter, THE LINK,  Click HERE.
  To see School Bash 2024 insert page click HERE

We are committed to keeping you updated on where we are as a church and what is to come through our Call Multiplier system, Constant Contact Email, Facebook, YouTube, the church website and newsletter (THE LINK). If you would like to be added to any of our information systems, please contact us at JordanMemorial@JordanMemorial.org .