
Welcome to Jordan Memorial United Methodist Church!

Because God first loved us, we are devoted to sharing that love by;

Building authentic relationships with our neighbors

Creating safe spaces for belonging and connection

Serving communities locally, regionally, and globally.

To become faithful and compassionate followers of Jesus Christ.

Good Sunday Morning!

If you would like to join us for our live worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, Click HERE.
You do not need an account to watch.  Or if you  would prefer,  you can Click HERE to watch on our Facebook page.  If you missed our live broadcast, then you can watch it later HERE

Disaster Relief

Our prayers go out to our brothers and sisters in the mountains of North Carolina and all across the southeast after Hurricane Helene made its way through the last weekend of September. Many communities were destroyed, businesses wiped out, and roads washed away. Our hearts go out to those that have lost loved ones, for the homes and churches that were destroyed, and for the trauma that many will be dealing with for years to come. As United Methodist, we are a connectional church and there are ways we can help!

  1. You can pray!

2.You can give! Our United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is already on the ground and beginning to work. You can give directly to UMCOR of our conference by going to www.wnccumc.org. Look for Hurricane Helene response and it will direct you to ways you can pay directly online or send checks. You can also give to the church and designate for disaster response, and we can send it for you.

  1. When they are ready for teams we can go and help clean up and work to rebuild.

4.You can make Flood Buckets. Below is a description of what is needed. We will be collecting these this fall to send to our Conference Disaster Response.


To read our February 2025 newsletter, THE LINK,  Click HERE.

We are committed to keeping you updated on where we are as a church and what is to come through our Call Multiplier system, Constant Contact Email, Facebook, YouTube, the church website and newsletter (THE LINK). If you would like to be added to any of our information systems, please contact us at JordanMemorial@JordanMemorial.org .